Locomotive Entertainment


One Humanity
Mickey Madoda Dube

One Humanity

The film examines the background to the two global television broadcasts that were staged in the name of Nelson Mandela in 1988 (while he was still in prison on Robben Island) and 1990 (less than two months after his release), as well as the role they played in the struggle to end the Apartheid system, and illustrates how they were possible only because they could build on the 40-year work of the international solidarity movement.


  • Royal Television Society, United Kingdom
    Best Editing – Nominated
    Best Editing – Nominated


  • British Society of Cinematographers
    Best Photography – Nominated


  • It was the biggest most powerful, the greatest pop political event there has ever been.

    Robin Denselow, Broadcaster and Journalist (Guardian)
  • A fantastic illustration of how you could move people globally using the arts and culture.

    Baleka Mbete, National Chairperson of the ANC
Genre: Documentary
Run Time: 80 min
Year of Production: 2015
Language: English
Director: Mickey Madoda Dube
  • Nelson Mandela ()
  • Denzel Washington ()
  • Eric Clapton ()
  • Whitney Huston ()